After almost 4 years at Engine Yard, my last day will be July 3rd.

It is a sad thing, but it also means I am moving on to hopefully bigger, exciting, more challenging, and better things.

On Saturday I gave my last conference talk as a Yardee, and I think it was fitting that it was about “What’s new in PHP 7”, as my first talk for Engine Yard was at PHPUK 2012 and it was about “What’s new in PHP 5.4”.

I have had an amazing time working for Engine Yard, learned a lot from lots of smart people, been able to travel the world and meet even more fabulous people. I have been allowed to shape my job around the life I want to lead: to be a good person, to teach and help people, and to spread the joy of the things I love to as many people as possible.

I will be moving on to Akamai Technologies on July 6th as a Developer Evangelist.

I will be working on some thing bigger than I can conceive and I’m excited at the prospect of helping people — particularly in the PHP community — to achieve amazing things using these tools and more.

But I wouldn’t be here if not for all I’ve been enabled to do the last four years:

Thank you Engine Yard ❤️

Y’all should go check out Deis and PRO, they’re pretty awesome!

Source: Davey Shaifk

By dshafik