GuzzleHttp VCR
A few days ago I pushed out a very small library to help with testing APIs using Guzzle: dshafik/guzzlehttp-vcr. Here,…
Made for iPhone Hearing Aids (Resound Linx)
For those that don’t know (and I usually mention it in my talks), I am hard of hearing, and earlier…
An Exceptional Change in PHP 7.0
With PHP 7 errors and exceptions are undergoing major changes. For the first time, the PHP engine will start to…
Class constants, how do they work? (Or: You Learn Something New Every Day…)
Yesterday on Twitter there was a conversation started by Marco Pivetta regarding a particularly horrible bit of code he had…
Changes to Engine Exceptions in PHP 7.0alpha2+
Pre-Release Software This blog post is about PHP 7.0 which at the time of writing is currently pre-release software (7.0.0alpha2)…
Farewell Engine Yard!
After almost 4 years at Engine Yard, my last day will be July 3rd. It is a sad thing, but…
Celebrating 20 Years of PHP
Twenty years ago today, Rasmus Lerdorf released Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) version 1.0 to the world. This is…
[Slides] Extending MySQL with PHP’s Native Driver (php[tek] 2015)
Source: Davey Shaifk