The continuous delivery approach aims at making the process of continuously deploying code to production error-free, or at least less error-prone, using automated tasks, tests, builds and deployments. Minimize risk and downtime, maximize quality and value. That’s the motto.
However, this process is not always straightforward, to say the least. Often enough, the continuous delivery tools chosen for implementing continuous integration and deployment are hard to figure out and use, and are usually time consuming and expensive. The bigger the application, the bigger the challenge.
This article introduces an interesting new approach to dealing with this challenge by demonstrating a continuous delivery process using continuousphp and Zend Server.
continuousphp is a PaaS solution that allows you to easily design a continuous delivery pipeline in just a few minutes. continuousphp will sync with your existing repositories on GitHub (or Bitbucket and Stash), and handle all the various stages in the continuous delivery cycle: provisioning, packaging, testing and deployment. Every new commit made to your repository will push your code down the pipeline you created (read more about continuousphp).
Zend Server is Zend’s professional PHP stack bundled with a set of advanced tools for developing, debugging, deploying and monitoring PHP web and mobile apps (read more about Zend Server).
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Source: SitePoint