We are at PAX West this weekend, scoping out the coolest mobile games in Seattle for coverage on TouchArcade. If you’re also here and want to show us your game, be sure to hit up either @hodapp or @jaredta and we’ll make sure that we make it happen. For everyone else, like any other week in the calendar year, this one has been packed with all sorts of interesting things happening in the world of iOS gaming.

First off, one cool thing that we do around TouchArcade is called the RPG Reload play along. The basic gist of the whole thing is we select an RPG, which typically is an older or other retro game, and we all play it together over the course of a month and share out experiences in this forum thread. It’s a really awesome way to revisit older games that you have (or haven’t) played before. This month we’re focusing on the action RPG Bastion. It’s a fully narrated game experience, which is… unbelievably cool if you’ve never tried it before. Check out the trailer, or the forum thread, and hop in. These play alongs are a ton of fun.

While it’s the first time we’ve mentioned it in these MacRumors roundups, Suzy Cube is a game we’ve been following over on TouchArcade for years now. It’s basically a modern, touch-based, reinterpretation of the 3DS game Super Mario 3D Land. The amount of time the developer, Louis-Nicolas Dozois, has put into refining every aspect of the game is really just sort of incredible. His latest developer blog posted over on Gamasutra details all the challenges that went into designing the controls of a 3D platformer. In fact, the entirety of his development blog is a really fascinating read if you’re at all into following the passion project of a developer who is making a game that isn’t typically done so well on mobile with touch screen controls.

On the sales front, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition has slammed down to two bucks. It’s a full-featured mobile iteration of Street Fighter which we really loved in our review. It has a couple caveats: The framerate isn’t as good as its console counterparts, and if you’re not a fan of touch controls you’re probably not going to be that into the controls of this particular game.

Additionally, all the Simogo games are also on sale for a buck. Simogo is responsible for some of the most innovative (and strangest) games on the App Store. Device 6 is a fascinating spin on interactive fiction, SPL-T is a brain-twisting puzzle game, Year Walk is an incredible atmospheric avdenture, and the list just goes on. Simogo consistently releases amazing titles, so if you’re missing anything from their catalog, now is a great time to stock up.

If your mind is still blown from the Game of Thrones season finale, you’ve got a brief reprieve before the launch of Game of Thrones Conquest. You can pre-register for the game here, which awards $50 worth of in-game goodies once the game goes live. So far it sounds like it’s one of those free to play MMO battle games, which could be pretty cool with a Game of Thrones skin on top. Interestingly enough, it’s developed by Turbine who were the original developers of Asheron’s Call, making Game of Thrones Conquest potentially far more interesting than your typical free to play game.

In the world of App Store approval drama, Apple kicked CheapCharts off the App Store. If CheapCharts is new to you, it’s basically an app with functionality sort of similar to the original AppShopper app. Apparently, when they added Mac apps to their price tracker, that was the final straw for Apple who “suddenly claimed that our business model would not be in compliance with Apple’s guidelines and that the look and feel of CheapCharts would be identical to that of the App Store.” For folks in our situations, this is unbelievably frustrating as all CheapCharts, AppShopper, and the TouchArcade app really do is encourage people to buy more things from the App Store.

Last, but by no stretch of the imagination least, the original Infinity Blade has been updated to 64-bit. Aside from evading the 32-bit purge of iOS 11, this also provides a fantastic opportunity for anyone who didn’t play Infinity Blade when it was new and exciting to download the game knowing it’s going to work on their phone for the foreseeable future. It’s ancient by today’s standards, but out original review of Infinity Blade still stands as one of the best games ever released on the App Store. Since then, two other games have been released, which are both just as good.

For all this and more, be sure to check out TouchArcade, we post this sort of news around the clock and it’s really the best place you can go to follow the beat of the mobile gaming world!

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