MacRumors is pleased to announce the Eighth Annual MacRumors Blood Drive, throughout the month of May 2017. Our goal is to save lives by increasing the number of life-saving blood and platelet donations. While most blood drives are specific to a geographic location, our blood drive is online and worldwide. MacRumors routinely reports on Apple’s support for charity, as summarized in our Help Center, and the MacRumors Blood Drive is our own community effort.

Over the past 7 years, the MacRumors Blood Drives have recorded donations of 381 units of blood, platelets, and plasma, and noted new signups for the organ donor and bone marrow registries. We’ve heard from many forum members whose lives were affected by blood, platelet, or bone marrow donations.

How to participate

1. If you are eligible, schedule a blood or platelet donation (see FAQ), in May if possible, at any donation center near you. Register for the bone marrow registry in your country and/or register as an organ donor in your state, province, or country (see FAQ). Then post in the MacRumors 2017 Blood Drive! thread to tell us about it and to accept our thanks.

2. If you aren’t eligible to donate blood for reasons of health, age, height/weight, a recent donation, or because you are deferred as a donor, please encourage someone else to make a donation, and let us know. If they donate, you belong on our Honor Roll! If you are a sexually active gay man deferred from donating, join our Blood donor eligibility discussion, with its debate over deferrals based on sexual orientation but not on monogamy.

3. Share our message and help this cause by convincing friends and relatives to participate as well. The Honor Roll lists this year’s donors. Please congratulate them for their altruistic acts to help strangers.

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