As of this week, Apple retail stores and the Apple online store will begin selling a new fitness-related product, the Tangram Smart Rope. The Smart Rope uses magnetic sensors attached to ball bearings in the handles to count each jump, relaying the information to the accompanying Smart Gym Pro app on the iPhone and Apple Watch.


Jump data is also projected to 23 LEDs that are built into the rope, which flash thousands of times per minute to create an animated effect in mid air. On the iPhone, the Smart Gym Pro app, which syncs with the Apple Health app, keeps track of jump count, calories burned, and workout times. It is designed to offer up workout recommendations based on each individual’s fitness goals, and it includes tools for unlocking awards and competing with friends.

Jump rope is one of the most efficient cardio workouts around, burning twice as many calories as running – but offering a more total body workout and less impact to your joints. While jumping rope is easy to learn, it’s challenging to master, and it’s difficult to track your progress because intervals go into the hundreds and thousands of reps.

Smart Rope accurately counts your jumps with advanced magnetic sensors attached to ball bearings in the handles – using the exercise mechanics to generate true, relevant data.

The Smart Rope sold in Apple Stores is available in an exclusive white color, comes in four sizes (S, M, L, and XL) to meet different height needs, and is priced at $89.99 in the United States. It is rolling out worldwide and should be in retail stores over the course of the next few days.

The Smart Rope can also be purchased in Gold, Black, and Chrome from both the Tangram website and it will be available from Best Buy.

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