Bethesda Softworks has revealed it is working on a brand new entry in the Quake franchise called Quake Champions.

Quake Champions

A spiritual successor to first-person shooter Doom, Quake appeared 20 years ago and was the first FPS to focus on arena-based multiplayer combat and frenetic team-based game modes.

Tim Willits of iD Software and co-designer of the original Quake, revealed the news of the upcoming title for PC at an E3 press event yesterday, describing a new ability for players to select different classes as “esport” in design. A series of Quake leagues and events are to be built out as the game launches.

While no mention was made of a Mac (or indeed any other) version of the game during the presentation, more information about inevitable ports is likely to be revealed at QuakeCon this August.

Apple has attended QuakeCon in the past, and used the annual event in 2001 to show off its latest Power Mac G4s running Quake 3 Arena.

Quake 4 originally shipped on the Mac in 2006, and is available on the Mac App Store for $19.99, complete with full cross-platform multiplayer support, including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tourney, Capture the Flag, Arena CTF and DeadZone.

Tags: E3 2016, Quake

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