appstoreApple today informed developers that App Store price tiers, including in-app purchases, will be rising in Canada, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore and South Africa within 72 hours (via The Next Web).

In Canada, for example, Tier 1 pricing will increase to $1.39, a 20-cent rise over current $1.19 pricing. That means a $1 app on the U.S. App Store will now sell for $1.39 on the Canadian App Store.

Apple has published a PDF document with a complete list of new pricing updates in all seven countries. The price changes are in line with fluctuating foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar.

Apple will email customers with in-app subscriptions in Canada, New Zealand, Mexico and Singapore shortly before their existing subscription renews to inform them about the price increase and the option to cancel their subscription.

App Store customers in Russia and South Africa will need to manually resubscribe at the new prices. Israel will not be affected, as Apple does not offer auto-renewal subscriptions in that country.

Apple is also expanding its low-price tiers Alternate Tier A and Alternate Tier B to Canada and New Zealand, both valued at 99 cents in local dollars. These tiers are often used for smaller in-app purchases.

Last, VAT has dropped from 24% to 20% in Romania, but App Store prices have not changed in the country, meaning that local developers should begin to receive increased proceeds from app and in-app purchases.

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