Here is the original blurb for this talk …

Your project has adopted an ORM such as Doctrine because it’s the quickest way to hook your code up to your database. Things are looking up, and your website is about to take off. Aaaand then the first complaints start to come in that your site isn’t coping with the new customers. You can’t find a problem in your own code. Could it be the ORM that’s the problem? How can you tell?

In this talk, Stuart will show you how you can use off-the-shelf open-source tools to work out what your ORM is doing, and whether or not it is the cause of your performance problems. He’ll show you how to measure the database itself and the ORM code, as well as providing useful strategies to reduce the cost of your ORM without having to abandon the ORM altogether. Finally, he’ll show you how you can extend these techniques to other parts of your application, so that you’re never in the dark again.

Source: Stuart Herbert

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