On Monday the Node Long-term Support Working Group met to discuss plans for Node’s future release schedule. The plan is described as a strawman LTS plan, meaning it’s preliminary and hasn’t yet been approved. There’s a discussion on GitHub about it that I found through this Tweet (retweeted by @rvagg which is seemingly how I learn everything about io.js/Node):

The plans are based on several assumptions — again, nothing is official yet. One assumption is that the next major and officially supported Node release will be from the merged io.js/Node project, and will follow io.js’s versioning. Subsequent major releases will be yearly, and will transition into maintenance after 18 months. There’s a handy visualisation of the release schedule:

Node strawman LTS

The author (James M Snell) just posted that 0.12 might see a slightly shorter 0.12 LTS release, so if you’re (hypothetically) planning maintenance work based on these plans then you might want to take that into account. I very much hope this comes together, because a major Node release that includes io.js would be pretty exciting for server-side JavaScript programmers.

Source: DailyJS

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