
Cross-browser testing has become an integral part of the test process to ensure the product experience and behavior remain consistent across different combinations of web browsers, devices, and operating systems. As testing has to be performed on varied combinations, it can lead to code duplication as a lot of test methods will be doing the same thing but on different input combinations. I have come across many such situations during the code optimization process when I felt that a part of the code is either duplicated or redundant.

One important lesson I learned from these situations is that you should never leave such activities for the future as it becomes more challenging to optimize with the increase in LOC (Lines of Code). This is where a parameterized test can be beneficial as it enables testing the code/methods against different input values. Test parameterization should be explored in cross-browser testing as the same tests need to be executed on different web browsers and different versions of the same web browser. In this blog, we learn how to execute NUnit parameterized tests with examples.

Source: DZone