
I wrote The Future of DevSecOps in June 2019 after gathering insights from professionals who foresaw:
  1. greater adoption,
  2. security ingrained in development, and,
  3. AI/ML-driven automation.

For this article, I wanted to go back and see how the adoption of DevSecOps has proceeded over the past two years. In a subsequent article, I‘ll share what these IT professionals now see as the future for DevSecOps.

I received input from more than 40 IT professionals. Based on their feedback, the most significant evolution of DevSecOps over the past couple of years has been:

  1. the expansion and adoption of tools,
  2. businesses realizing the necessity of DevSecOps, and,
  3. software delivery automation.


Joseph Feiman, Chief Strategy Officer at WhiteHat Security:

A critical step toward DevSecOps has been taken by DevOps itself, which started offering its own application security technologies. Application security vendors, as well as open-source security communities, have started addressing this emerged opportunity as well. They have begun integrating their existing technologies in the unified DevOps, thus serving it with intermediate solutions (intermediate – because those solutions have not been designed for new paradigms). At the same time, those security vendors/communities have been/will be rapidly developing native solutions for the emerged DevOps.

Source: DZone