
I have become a significantly better designer over the last 12 months. Last March, I was extremely anxious about getting new work and doing my work effectively in lockdown. I was cooped up and couldn’t access my real-world creative outlets. Over the course of six months, I changed everything about how I designed. This eventually changed my life so that I was less anxious and far more productive at work while gaining a boatload of time for myself.

Before Covid-19, I was using all these apps: Sketch, Slack, Jira, Miro, and e-mail — lots and lots of e-mail. E-mails were the bane of my life. I had to constantly keep track of my design versions, along with keeping assets in one place and keeping up to date with any e-mail comments. On top of that, I had regular meetings with clients that took up hours every time, but I didn’t see any problem — I was getting to work on time and finishing work in the evening, so no problem, right?

Source: DZone