
Many organizations are using a combination of Jenkins and a tool like Ansible, Puppet, Chef, or Salt to automate their CI/CD pipelines, but find themselves having to take many steps manually or use a series of scripts that can be hard to maintain. Many organizations manually move software from Development to Staging to Production with time-consuming manual processes. Spinnaker can fully automate these processes. Spinnaker can fully integrate with standard CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, SonarQube, and Artifactory, but add a layer of automation to automate software deployments to Development, Staging, and Production, eliminating many manual steps. Spinnaker also automates the creation of Canary Analysis and Blue/Green environments. Many large organizations, including Netflix and Google, use Spinnaker. Spinnaker was developed at Netflix and Google to automate their massive volume of CI/CD pipelines, but both large and smaller organizations can benefit from Spinnaker’s automation.

Jenkins is for Continuous Integration. Spinnaker is for Continuous Deployment

Jenkins is currently the most popular Continuous Integration Tool. It has an extensive community with a large catalog of plugins available. However, it is not ideal for continuous delivery because of the following reasons:

Source: DZone