
Open source software is becoming so popular most people likely use it daily without even thinking about it. For example, if you’re using Firefox to browse the internet or WordPress to publish your blog – you’re using open source tools. According to the 2017 Open Source 360 Survey conducted by Black Duck Software, 60% of businesses report an increase in their use of open source in the last year. Despite the growth of organizations taking advantage of open source benefits, there are still many misconceptions surrounding open source software. Here are 5 concerns about open source software and why they should be considered myths.

Open Source Myth #1: Open Source is Free

People commonly refer to open source as free, but the “free” is more about the freedom from proprietary software constraints than it is about the monetary cost. There is no cost for many open source software products, but in many cases, the “free version” is not the most up-to-date product. Full versions of Payara Server and Payara Micro are both available with no licensing fees, meaning the version you download today is production-ready, and when you’re ready to add support services for the Payara Platform – there is no need to download a new version or migrate anything.

Source: DZone