
One of the largest disadvantages that small businesses or startup companies have in comparison with famous brands and companies with billions of dollars in assets is their marketing budget. It’s not an everyday situation to see a loved celebrity speaking in public about a new brand or recently-started website. On the other hand, large companies spend mountains of cash in keeping up their brand appearance, thus maintaining their pool of customers and improving their market position. Small companies have to fight for each potential customer, and one of the most potent weapons in their arsenal is UX (User Experience).

What Makes Website’s UX Important?

The interaction between a customer and the product or service that a specific brand is selling starts with the name of the product. The moment we hear a certain name is the moment we start creating an image in our heads. Later in the process, UX depends on a product’s design, purpose, usability, customer service, etc. Even after the customer is done with a product or service, the user experience is influenced by reusability or storage conditions, in case of physical products. However, in order to sell a product, companies should do their best to engage the customer and raise interest in their brand through intelligent website UX. This includes paying attention to both graphics and the code, because each have their respective influence on overall user experience.

Source: DZone