
Accessing Feeds From EtherDelta on Trades, Funds, Buys, and Sells (Cryptocurrency Analysis)

EtherDeltalets you trade Ether or Ethereum-based tokens. Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform for running smart contracts. They provide a fast WebSocket feed of all data coming through the system. We can tap this WebSocket feed with Apache NiFi to examine and ingest all the trades, funds, buys, and sells coming through the system as JSON. Once we ingest, clean up, parse, and schematize the data, we can run queries on it with Apache Spark SQL and Apache Hive in Apache Zeppelin notebooks. Now the data scientists have a continuing stream of data to play with. Next, we will start adding additional feeds from other Ethereum exchanges, BitCoin APIs, and other sources of data. Some of the APIs are REST, some are WebSockets, and some are SDKs. All of these are easy to ingest with Apache NiFi.

Initial Ingest From EtherDelta via WebSocket’s API

Source: DZone