
Systems that automate the data science cycle have been gaining a lot of attention recently. Similar to smart home assistant systems, however, automating data science for business users only works for well-defined tasks. We do not expect home assistants to have truly deep conversations about changing topics. In fact, the most successful systems restrict the types of possible interactions heavily and cannot deal with vaguely defined topics. Real data science problems are similarly vaguely defined: only an interactive exchange between the business analysts and the data analysts can guide the analysis in a new, useful direction, potentially sparking interesting new insights and further sharpening the analysis.

Therefore, as soon as we leave the realm of completely automatable data science sandboxes, the challenge lies in allowing data scientists to build interactive systems, interactively assisting the business analyst in her quest to find new insights in data and predict future outcomes. At KNIME, we call this Guided Analytics. We explicitly do not aim to replace the driver (or totally automate the process) but instead, offer assistance and carefully gather feedback whenever needed throughout the analysis process. To make this successful, the data scientist needs to be able to easily create powerful analytical applications that allow interaction with the business user whenever their expertise and feedback is needed.

Source: DZone