
This month in AI, we’re continuing to do something a little different. In the past, we’ve looked at a variety of topics in these posts — like last month, when we talked about deep learning, regulation, and making machines behave. But like we did for Big Data and Database most recently, we’re going to wrap up the month with a deep dive into one topic. This time, it’s machine learning!

The AI Zone is the newest Zone on DZone — and it’s also a new concept to many developers. While the concept of AI has been around since the 1950s, AI is now becoming fresh in everyone’s minds. And while we’ve all heard about killer robots and machines taking over our jobs, this type of AI is something different. It’s real, and it’s here to help us! There’s a lot to it (and you can get a brief overview in our AI glossary), but in this edition, we’re going to focus on machine learning.  

Source: DZone