
To gather insights on the state of microservices today, we spoke with 19 executives who are familiar with the current state of microservices architecture. We asked them, "What kind of security techniques and tools do you find most effective for securing microservices?" Here’s what they told us:

APIs, Acess Controls, and Gateways

  • Well, most of our microservices support our internal API, so they are just not visible and not reachable by external agents. If you break our API, you have HTTP-only access to our microservices: limit what can be done in HTTP, open only HTTP access from your Cloud itself and it is enough for our needs. A rule of thumb we applied to many microservices: no access to DB. Just process JSONs and reach other microservices or API itself again.
  • Security domain boundaries – role-based authentication in place. Identification and authentication – propagate security from the database tier to the application API – who can access, deploy, scale. Do not lose control over the service.
  • API access control for microservices. Borrowing open-web API capability. Put together standards for access control in the API architecture – certificates, tokens, networks using Torch, Kubernetes, and CloudFoundry.
  • Need API gateway key or login. SSL at the transport layer. Whitelist ISPs that can access.
  • JSON Web Tokens, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, and API Gateway pattern.
  • API gateways.
  • There are no silver bullets. We take a layered approach with coding standards, peer reviews, automated testing, and third-party pen testing. More secure profile in public with APIs.
  • API gateways are the most commonly used solution, and with good reason – they provide many great out-of-the box management services in addition to security. But when we’re talking standalone microservices, OpenID and OAuth is the way to go.
  • Design thinking for security with developers and architects. Think about security from the beginning. Best practice is OWAT2 with user authentication. Make sure you are doing regular security scans and that you have no leaks. Docker has security scanning. All talking via APIs. One single point of entry with API gateways and security platforms.
  • API security is just as critical as application security. Not just native first-party apps. That’s where ID becomes more critical. Need to integrate to the identity layer- how to onboard, how to authorize access and have end-to-end coverage from the frontend to the backend. More complex patterns from the developer perspective. Not just front door access security. Zero-trust architecture.
  • APIs are an effective way to build governance right into the microservices architecture. APIs become these contracts by the developers on what the microservices will do and more importantly what it won’t do. This makes it easy for central IT to govern these microservices since their SLAs can be managed through API gateways that act as proxies for the microservices. This ensures that there is the right balance of governance for IT and flexibility for the domain teams.


  • SELinux is essentially required if you’re running microservices. SELinux will prevent a program from running anything on the system outside of its own context. This makes it so that an attacker capable of compromising your container has very few options and often can’t do anything on the system. Proper knowledge and use of SELinux for any production workload containers is a must. Apart from that, treat the container and its dependent containers the same way you would your operating system. Update and test regularly.

    Source: DZone