
SQLite database has become the first choice for storing data on mobile devices. SQLite databases are just files that are stored on the file system. Other apps or processes can read/write data to this database file. This is true for almost all platforms; you could root/jailbreak the device and get the database file to do with it whatever you like. That’s why it is very important that you start looking into securing your data as much as possible.

In a previous blog post, I talked broadly about how you could secure your data on mobile apps from an architectural point of view. In this post, I will show you how you can use SQLite.Net.Cipher to encrypt/decrypt data when stored/accessed in/from your database. This library helps you secure the data and do all the work for you seamlessly. All you need to do it annotate the columns that you want to encrypt with one attribute. The library will do the rest for you.

Source: DZone