
Looking at the past can provide clues to improve the future. This is the essence of retrospective meetings. Retrospectives have become a mainstay among teams using Agile and Scrum methodologies. It involves reflecting on the latest Sprint or project, what went well, recognize what needs to be improved, and celebrate the team’s success. It can also be used to review status or a problem scenario. Retrospectives meetings direct attention towards a few key questions, these are:

  1. What went well?
  2. What didn’t go so well?
  3. What have I learned?
  4. What still puzzles me?

Importance of Retrospectives

Retrospectives are instrumental in building team spirit and trust. It also helps identify risks and obstacles early so that they can be solved with ease. The agile principle of “learn and adapt” can be implemented. This enables continuous improvement and the ability to adapt to change.

Source: DZone