As I’ve already noted, in the project I’m currently building, I’m rendering errors in my Slim Framework API using RFC 7807: Problem Details for HTTP APIs via Larry Garfield’s ApiProblem component and rka-content-type-renderer.

One place where we need to integrate this approach into Slim is in the error handlers. Let’s look at NotFound. To ensure that we return a response in the right format, we need to implement our own NotFound handler:


namespace AppHandler;

use CrellApiProblemApiProblem;
use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface;
use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface;

class NotFound
     * Invoke not found handler
     * @param  ServerRequestInterface $request  The most recent Request object
     * @param  ResponseInterface      $response The most recent Response object
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
        $problem = new ApiProblem(
            'Not Found',

        $renderer = new RKAContentTypeRendererApiProblemRenderer();
        return $renderer->render($request, $response, $problem);

The NotFound handler must return a Response. To do this, we create a new ApiProblem object with the title “Not Found” and set the type to HTML page that defines the 404 status code. We then instantiate the ApiProblemRenderer and call its render method. The renderer will then return a Response object in either XML or JSON based on the Accept header, with the correct Content-Type header. We then set the status code and return it.

To register our new handler, we use the container. If you’re using the skeleton application as your base, then this goes in dependencies.php:


// Error handlers
$container['notFoundHandler'] = function () {
    return new AppHandlerNotFound();

Slim will now use our handler whenever a NotFoundException is raised.

This is it in action:

$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/xml" http://localhost:8888/foo
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Host: localhost:8888
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.14
Content-type: application/problem+xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <title>Not Found</title>

We can of course apply this to the other error handers: NotAllowed, Error & PhpError which all follow the same pattern as we have done for NotFound.


By Rob