I always seems to end up in vim sooner or later and I use Tim Pope’s excellent Effortless Ctags with Git process to keep my ctags file up to date for my projects.

As I’m now coding in Swift too, I needed ctags to support Swift. This is what I’ve added to my .ctags file:

--regex-swift=/(var|let)[ t]+([^:=]+).*$//,variable/ 
--regex-swift=/func[ t]+([^()]+)([^()]*)//,function/ 
--regex-swift=/class[ t]+([^:{]+).*$//,class/ 
--regex-swift=/protocol[ t]+([^:{]+).*$//,protocol/

Any improvements, welcome!


As I’m writing about Swift and vim, I should also point out that the vim-swift plugin by Kevin Ballard is a must-have!


By Rob