If Google’s Daydream VR platform wants to really make a sizable dent in the market and shake Cardboard’s “wild west of VR” reputation, there’s a few things it is going to have to do to get there. One of the obvious factors for success will be the quality, and to lesser extent quantity, of games on the platform, and that means supporting all the best game engines. The good news is that both Unreal and Unity are onboard.

During a Google I/O session it was revealed that Unreal and Unity are both teaming up to support Google’s new VR platform, and Unreal has also placed a few more details about its support over at their official blog page (and in the video above). Easily the two biggest names in the game engine world, it’s a positive sign to hear that these engines will soon support Daydream This not only will make it easier for developers to build games for Daydream, but it will also open the door to high-quality ports as well.

With Unreal 4 and Unity already offering up support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, and the Playstation VR, this news isn’t too surprising but it’s encouraging to see that everyone seems to be taking Daydream seriously. That’s more than what can be said for Cardboard, which was a novel idea but was largely thought of as mostly a tech demo that allowed people a small taste of what VR was about.

Are you excited for Daydream? Share your thoughts below.