Startup Gennion uses sensors to provide retailers with useful information on customer store traffic. The Spain-based Internet-of-Things company processes about 16,000 events per minute from its sensors and is hoping to scale up to thousands per second soon.

Like many young companies, Gennion launched in Amazon Web Services’ cloud. But chief architect Mariano Navas, a 15-year coding veteran who is on his third startup and runs a blog called Coding in Flip Flops, wasn’t impressed. He didn’t want to provision AWS virtual machines, storage and load balancers. He preferred to write code, so he tried Google’s cloud platform and hasn’t gone back.

Google would love to have more frustrated AWS customers move to Google. But while Google’s cloud has been attracting developers in flip flops and startups in droves, it’s now time for the company to start looking for bigger wins.

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