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Dashlane Password Manager 4.0 has received a complete visual overhaul that is now consistent across Android, iOS, OSX and Windows. The update adds support for five new languages and makes it even easier to change your password on sites that have been hacked. The improved “Password Changer” means you don’t even need to visit the site to change your password.

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Until this update, Dashlane was an excellent but aesthetically mismatched service across the various platforms on which it was available. Dashlane 4.0 introduces a much-needed layer of consistency to its free mobile and desktop apps. But there’s more to the new Dashlane than a lovely bit of design.

Perhaps the most important part of this update is the addition of five new languages: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian and Japanese. Dashlane is now available in the native language of over 1.3 billion people.  There are also new menu layout options, improved search within the app, more Dashlane Checkout options and an easier process for getting started.

The enhanced Password Changer now supports an additional 300 websites for a total of 500+. Password Changer is a convenient tool that lets you remotely change your website logins from the app itself, without ever needing to visit the website in question. This is a great tool for hacked sites or for regularly changing your passwords for security purposes.

Dashlane Password Manager 4.0

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The Dashlane team has redesigned every screen and process to make things simpler and more intuitive. The visual makeover offers a consistent experience no matter which platform you’re using and of course, Dashlane incorporates very high level security and encryption. Dashlane is free to use on one device but will cost you $39.99/year to sync across multiple devices.

How do you protect your passwords? What’s the worst password habit you have?

Install Dashlane Password Manager