With its epic size screen the iPad Pro makes digital board-gaming not only possible—it makes it awesome!

What is best in life? To crush your friends, to see your family members driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their iPads! Or something like that. Either way, the iPad Pro’s 12.9-inch Retina display brings multi-player board-gaming to life. And what says “seasons greetings” better than finger twisting, puzzle busting, wrasslin’ smashing, and picture popping your way to holiday champion! Now pass the eggnog, the yule log, and check out these awesome iPad Pro games!

(Also mighty fun on regular sized iPads as well!)

SketchParty TV

In the world before iOS if you wanted to win, lose, or draw, or get your pictionary you had to get a ton of art supplies or get chosen for a spot on TV gameshow. Now all you need is your iPad Pro and the ability to effectively communicate over sketches with another person who may or may not be anywhere on your wavelength. To the victors go the bragging rights!


Can I really type “Like Twister for fingers” without getting into some kind of trouble? Whatever. Deal with it. Just as you might imagine, you and a partner put your fingers down on the iPad Pro screen and fun—and perhaps frolicking—ensures. It can be awkward. It can be enticing. It’s completely up to you. Either way, though, the ice will be broken.

Bit Bit Blocks

Tetris is a classic for a reason, and the only thing better than playing a Tetris-style puzzler by yourself is playing one with your friends. There’s ReplayKit support for sharing your block domination, and color blind support to make sure everyone has a sporting chance.

Wrestle Jump

Imagine cartoonish Lucha Libre with rock-em-sock-em robot-style action. That’s not this at all, but it gives you an idea. Now, yes, the developers recently removed HP mode, which was awesome, and that’s led to a lot of complaints, but there’s still much lucha to love, and fingers crossed some of the old fun—or some kind of new fun—returns in the next update.

OLO game

At first OLO game might look like air hockey but it’s more like some bizarre offspring of shuffleboard and curling. (Hurry!) But then the pucks keep coming and coming and coming. You try to get as many of yours into the target zone as possible all while denying the same success to your opponent. Oh, yeah—and there’s a death finger! Enjoy!

Bam Fu

BAM! FU! Like Kung-Fu but with BAM! Get it? You gotta fight! It’s all about owning the pebbles as they loop through your colors and you try to tap them out. Whomever gets the most pebbles in their color wins the round and the glory. But the finger checking will be fierce, y’all!

Red Hands

Removing the actual physical pain from a good, old-fashioned, bone-headed, game of hot hands or knuckle slaps is either the best or worst thing ever, depending on your personal levels of sadism and masochism. You can still test you reaction time and coordination speed, though, and do things no human hands could ever accomplish. Luckily!

Your favorites?

If I missed any of your favorite multi-player boardgames for iPad Pro—or any iPad at all!—please let me know! Otherwise, try these out and tell me which ones you like. The holidays are coming, and family gaming is coming with them!