Apple appears to be rolling out a new feature in its App Store on iOS to note when an app available on iOS is universally compatible with the fourth generation Apple TV. As pointed out by [Google Translate], the new feature is still in the early phases, as universal compatibility with the Apple TV is currently marked as “SF.UniversalAppleTV” rather than a simple “Apple TV” title as is used for Apple Watch just above. The new identifier is also not yet showing in the App Store when viewed through iTunes on the desktop.

pandora universal app

With the growing popularity of the App Store on Apple TV, it makes sense for Apple to want to begin connecting the iOS and tvOS experience as they did when introducing universal iPhone and iPad apps in 2010 and with the addition of the Apple Watch earlier this year. Following its launch in October, Apple began running a new advertising campaign for the Apple TV, which it continues to expand with television shows like Game of Thrones and Veep.

Apple allows developers to build universal apps that support iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV all from one purchase, so it makes sense to provide users with information on what platforms are included when they prepare to download a new app.

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Source: Apple Rumours