In the spirit of the holiday season, Microsoft today released a new ad that focuses on calling for peace between the company and its public rival, Apple. The 60-second advertisement sees Microsoft employees making their way from the company’s new Fifth Avenue store in New York City over to Apple’s flagship store to share a festive carol with the Apple employees and others.

The ad’s event took place on November 16, with Microsoft employees from around the country joining together in New York City — along with a local NYC children’s youth choir — to sing “Let There Be Peace On Earth” to a group of Apple workers. Microsoft had to get permission from Apple to film outside the storefront, according to AdAge, due to New York City’s strict security rules. Beginning December 3, the ad will run on television, along with the debut of a longer two minute version online.

Most of Microsoft’s messaging over the past few years has been in spots that directly compared the company’s products with its rivals’, with a focus on Apple, and listing reasons why customers would prefer the Microsoft option. Last year the company compared the Surface Pro 3 with the MacBook Air to the tune of a Christmas jingle for its main holiday commercial, so this year’s peace-centered message is definitely a departure.

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Source: Apple Rumours