Images play a huge part in your website as they help your web pages to look attractive in the eyes of your readers that also drive more traffic towards your site. Many of the WordPress blogs across the web use a wonderful technique named image optimization.

It can help your site load timing shorter and also assist in improving your Search Engine Optimization. These can be executed by lessening the image resolution, by reducing the image size files, and by removing the metadata.

Best WordPress image optimization plugins to boost your Website

Best WordPress image optimization plugins to boost your Website

1. PB Responsive Images

This plugin acquires the style of responsive text, and uses it to the images. Every image is being reformatted that is bases on the usual CSS media query as well as SLIP query pairs, thus providing more adaptability in various query blends. Your images become more responsive and appear big on screens of all kinds of sizes. PB Responsive images also develop the entire quality of your website.

2. EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer plugin can easily optimize your images automatically when you upload them on your website. This plugin can even optimize images that have been uploaded by you earlier. It includes the superb .jpg as well as .png optimization that incorporate JPEDGmini. Its feature includes the capability of converting your images to file format which generates the minimum image size.

3. WP Smush

With the help of this plugin, you can use the image optimization independently, or in bulk. You can simply compress the .jpeg, .png, and .gif images, utilizing servers. The free version of WP lets you in compressing images that are sized of <1mb, whereas the pro version allows you in compressing images till <5mb.

4. Hammy

If you’re considering adaptive design in a serious way, then you should use Hammy. Hammy acquires your website’s images and reproduces into smaller size images. The image size relies on your content width as the plugin has the ability to modify it animatedly. This plugin is hugely helpful as it also offer amazing experience on mobile and desktop.

5. Imsanity

This plugin can do the resizing of huge images automatically. It can even resize the images in volume, and also has the choices of changing .bmp files to .jpg files for simple scaling. It even provides you the choice to identify the maximum width or height, and .jpg quality.

6. Media File Renamer

With the use of this plugin, you can rename your media files after updating their titles. It can even modify and update the links automatically in the posts without any disturbance. When used in combination with appropriate keywords, the SEO of your images will surely improve a lot.

7. CW Image Optimizer

Same as WP plugin, the CW Image Optimizer can easily execute the optimization of your images in an automatic manner while you upload them on your website. Though the image file size keeps modifying, the quality remains the same. This plugin uses the Linux little utils that signifies that your images won’t run off your server.

8. Prizm Image

Prizm Image plugin applies a perfect API. You can simply optimize the .jpg compression, .gif, and .png file types, and also remove metadata from .jpg files. You should register the Prizm Image account for free to utilize this plugin, as you require acquiring a free license key.

9. BJ Lazy Load

With BJ Lazy Load, you can lazy load the top quality images, involving thumbnails and post images, iFrames and Gravatar images, and thus restores the contents along with a placeholder. Few easy settings are available that lets you in customizing how the plugin executes, like selecting a placeholder and leaving out the images with classes. BJ Lazy Load provides to size-optimized images, gives out scaled down images automatically in responsive designs, and performs hiDPI images automatically for hiDPI screens.

10. SEO Friendly Images

This plugin can easily optimize by editing every image of yours with accurate ALT and TITLE aspects to assist in improving your SEO. If ALT and TITLE in your images are not positioned from before, the SEO Friendly Images plugin can insert them as per the option you place. The ALT aspect depicts your images to the search engines, whereas the TITLE aspect emerges in the tooltip while a user drifts over an image.

Hence, after you have learnt about the above plugins, you can select your favourite image optimization plugin among the ten plugins mentioned, which will put a great impact on your WordPress website.

Source: W3Lessons

By Jacob