I've never been a rock. I'm about as passionate as someone can be when I choose to do something. Unfortunately that means I tend to throw myself (my raw unadulterated self) at my interests. It's just who I am and who I've always been. This has positives and negatives associated with it (especially from a personal perspective).

Throwing yourself at a passion has enormous benefits. You get a lot done, you can truly touch people's lives. You can really change the world. But you also take on a lot of risk. Putting yourself out there is the easiest way to get burned. When you're passionate, it's hard to not take things emotionally. It's hard to not care. After all, caring is where you draw your power from.

I have always been held up by those that I knew were rocks. I always leaned on people who I know weren't just abiding a flight-of-fancy, but who could wear the tide. But what happens when you start to see those who you thought were rocks, falter…?