After almost three years working at Liip, I have finally decided to take the plunge and start my own business. Together with Pierre Spring, in early May we will start building up Nelmio.

Why? To keep it short, Liip is a great company to be employed at – and they’re hiring – but both Pierre and I have had the urge to be our own bosses for a while, and that is something that’s hard to suppress. Eventually we had to give in.

What next? We’re both web devs, with lots of experience across the board. Pierre is probably more into JavaScript and the frontend side – along with web performance optimization. I’m a big Symfony2 contributor and more into the PHP/backend side of things, but we are both quite knowledgeable in all those technologies, they’re merely complementary tools after all. Anyway, we’d love to share some of that knowledge, and will be available for some consulting/code review/coaching fun. We’re based in Zürich, Switzerland, let us know if you need us.

You can find Nelmio’s site at – it’s not complete yet but it should give you a good overview already. And in any case you should of course follow @nelm_io on Twitter to get more news soon 🙂

Source: SELD