I would like to attract everyone’s attention on the 0.3-alpha release of Arbit.

For those that do not know Arbit yet, it is a project management and issue tracker build in PHP. It uses CouchDB as a storage backend by default but work to support RDBMS via PDO is in progress.

Interestingly, it also provides experimental support for continuous integration, also fully PHP-based, unlike other popular solutions. This is not enabled by default in this release since it isn’t fully ready but feel free to stop by the irc channel (#arbit on freenode) to know more.

The full announcement contains details about what we fixed and implemented in the 0.3.

Get involved!

As all open source projects, Arbit needs your help, I joined the project early this year and we have had a few contributions from other people since then, but we can always use more help. Therefore if you are interested and wish to take part by developing new features, fixing bugs or at least reporting them, please don’t hesitate and get in touch! And as Elizabeth Naramore‘s article recently pointed out most people are afraid to contribute, I would like to say that no matter how skilled you are, contributions are welcomed. We will provide assistance if needed.

Source: SELD