Last weekend at the PHP Unconference in Hamburg I gave a talk showing an overview of the Symfony2 framework. The allowed 45min were way too short to say everything I wanted to say and I didn’t really have time to prepare slides so it was a bit messy, apologies for that.

Yesterday I did an internal training at Liip for a team that will start a Symfony2 project soon, and spent some time building slides. This time I had two hours for the presentation so it went way better I think. And then in the afternoon everyone built a small ultra-basic blog application to get their hands dirty a bit.

So for those that attended the talk in Hamburg and want to see a bit more, or just anyone interested in the current state of Symfony2, I put the slides online (use the arrows to move). Note that they will most likely not be up to date anymore in a few weeks/months given that the framework is still ongoing heavy development.

Source: SELD